How to Increase Settlement Value

Settlements are a common outcome in legal disputes, particularly in personal injury cases. If you’re involved in a lawsuit, you may be interested in maximizing your settlement value. This guide provides strategies to increase the potential value of your settlement. However, it’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney to understand your options and navigate the legal process.

Understanding Settlements

A settlement is a resolution between disputing parties about a legal case, reached either before or after court action begins. In personal injury cases, settlements often involve the defendant or their insurance company paying money to the plaintiff to terminate the case.

Strategies to Increase Settlement Value

1. Gather Strong Evidence

The strength of your evidence can significantly impact your settlement value. This can include medical records, photographs, police reports, eyewitness testimonies, and any other proof that supports your claim.

2. Seek Medical Treatment

If you’re injured, seek immediate medical treatment and follow your doctor’s advice. Not only is this crucial for your health, but your medical records also provide critical evidence of your injuries and related costs.

3. Account for All Damages

Ensure you account for all possible damages. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering. Be sure to document everything.

4. Hire an Experienced Attorney

An experienced attorney can offer valuable insights into the settlement process and help you negotiate effectively. They can also advise you on when it might be beneficial to go to trial instead of settling.

5. Don’t Rush to Settle

While you may be eager to resolve the matter, rushing to settle can lead to a lower settlement value. Take the time necessary to gather all evidence, fully understand your damages, and negotiate effectively.

6. Show Willingness to Go to Trial

If the opposing party believes you are ready and willing to go to trial, they may be more inclined to offer a higher settlement to avoid the uncertainty and expense of a trial.


Increasing your settlement value involves gathering strong evidence, seeking medical treatment, accounting for all damages, hiring an experienced attorney, being patient, and showing a willingness to go to trial. Each case is unique, so it’s important to consult with an attorney to understand the best approach for your situation. Remember, your goal should not only be to increase your settlement value but also to achieve a fair result that compensates you adequately for your losses.