How to Find New Poshers on Poshmark

Poshmark, a leading social commerce platform, is a fantastic place for fashion enthusiasts to buy and sell clothing and accessories. As a vibrant and growing community, it’s continually welcoming new members, or ‘Poshers’. Finding and connecting with these new Poshers can be beneficial for both buyers and sellers. This article will guide you through the process of finding new Poshers on Poshmark.

Why Connect With New Poshers?

Connecting with new Poshers offers numerous benefits. For sellers, it’s an opportunity to increase visibility, as new Poshers are likely still building their network and may be more inclined to follow back or share your listings. For buyers, new Poshers might have unique pieces that haven’t been seen before on the platform, providing a fresh shopping experience.

1. Use Poshmark’s ‘Find People’ Feature

Poshmark has a ‘Find People’ feature that allows you to find other users based on different criteria. Here’s how to use this feature:

  1. Open the Poshmark app and tap on the account tab at the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap on ‘Find People’.
  3. In the ‘New People’ tab, you’ll see a list of new Poshers who recently joined the platform.

Remember to follow these new Poshers and engage with their closets by liking and sharing their listings. This could encourage them to do the same for you, increasing your visibility on the platform.

2. Attend Posh Parties

Posh Parties are virtual shopping events on Poshmark where users can share and discover new listings. They’re also a great place to find new Poshers. During these parties, pay attention to users you don’t recognize or those with fewer followers, as they might be new to the platform. Follow them, share their listings, and leave a friendly comment to welcome them to the Poshmark community.

3. Engage with Posh Ambassadors

Posh Ambassadors are active and experienced users who have met specific criteria set by Poshmark. They often have large followings and are well-connected within the Poshmark community. Following and engaging with Posh Ambassadors can expose you to their network, which likely includes new Poshers.

4. Connect Your Social Media Accounts

Connecting your Poshmark account to your social media accounts can help you discover new Poshers. Friends or followers from your social media networks who join Poshmark might appear in your feed, allowing you to connect with them on the platform.

5. Participate in the Poshmark Community

Being an active participant in the Poshmark community can naturally lead you to new Poshers. This could involve joining Poshmark groups on other social media platforms, participating in discussions, and attending virtual meetups or Poshmark events. These activities can help you stay connected with the community and be among the first to welcome new Poshers.


Finding and connecting with new Poshers on Poshmark can be a rewarding experience. Not only does it help grow your network and increase your visibility on the platform, but it also contributes to the vibrant and supportive community that makes Poshmark unique. So start exploring, connecting, and growing your Poshmark community today!