How to Turn Off the Touch Screen on a Chromebook

Chromebooks are versatile devices that offer both traditional laptop and touch screen capabilities. However, there might be instances where you’d like to disable the touch screen feature, perhaps to prevent accidental inputs or to save battery life. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to turn off the touch screen on your Chromebook.

Understanding the Touch Screen Feature on a Chromebook

The touch screen feature on a Chromebook is a convenience for many users, allowing them to interact with their device in a more direct way. However, not all tasks lend themselves to touch input, and some users may find the feature unnecessary or even disruptive.

Steps to Turn Off the Touch Screen on a Chromebook

1. Open Google Chrome

Start by opening the Google Chrome browser on your Chromebook. This is typically found in your device’s taskbar or within the app drawer.

2. Access Chrome Flags

In the address bar of the Chrome browser, type in “chrome://flags”. This will take you to the experimental features page where you can enable or disable various advanced features.

3. Enable Debugging Shortcuts

Within the Chrome Flags page, search for ‘keyboard’. You’re looking for a flag called “Debugging keyboard shortcuts.” Click on the drop-down menu next to this flag and select “Enabled.” These debugging shortcuts include the command to disable the touch screen.

4. Restart Your Chromebook

After enabling debugging shortcuts, you’ll need to restart your Chromebook. A prompt to restart should appear at the bottom of your screen. If it doesn’t, manually restart your Chromebook.

5. Disable the Touch Screen

Once your Chromebook has restarted, you can disable the touch screen. Press the following keys simultaneously: Search + Shift + T. Your touch screen should now be disabled.

6. Re-enable the Touch Screen

If you want to re-enable the touch screen, simply press the same key combination again: Search + Shift + T.

Tips for Turning Off the Touch Screen on a Chromebook

Here are some additional tips to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Shortcut Keys: Remember that the Search key is typically represented by a magnifying glass icon on your Chromebook’s keyboard.
  • Touchpad Function: If you also want to disable the touchpad function, you can do this by pressing Search + Shift + P.
  • Changes to Chrome Flags: Keep in mind that changes to Chrome Flags can affect the stability and performance of your Chromebook. Only make changes if you’re comfortable with potential risks.


Turning off the touch screen on a Chromebook is a straightforward process once you know the steps. However, it involves enabling debugging shortcuts which could affect other aspects of your device’s operation. Always proceed with caution when making changes to system settings. Remember, this guide provides general information. For advice tailored to your specific circumstances, always consult with a tech professional.

FAQs About How to Turn Off the Touch Screen on a Chromebook

Q: Why would I want to turn off the touch screen on my Chromebook?

A: There could be several reasons for wanting to turn off the touch screen, such as preventing accidental touches while using a stylus or mouse, increasing battery life, or troubleshooting issues with the touch screen.

Q: How can I disable the touch screen feature on my Chromebook?

A: You can disable the touch screen by entering a specific command in the Chromebook’s Crosh shell. This involves opening the shell, typing ‘shell’, pressing enter, typing ‘xinput disable “Elan Touchscreen”‘, and pressing enter again.

Q: Can I re-enable my touch screen after disabling it?

A: Yes, you can re-enable your touch screen by rebooting your Chromebook. If this doesn’t work, you can enter a similar command in the Crosh shell: ‘xinput enable “Elan Touchscreen”‘.

Q: Does disabling the touch screen affect the performance of my Chromebook?

A: Disabling the touch screen should not affect the overall performance of your Chromebook. However, any apps or features that rely on touch input will no longer function until the touch screen is re-enabled.

Q: Can I disable the touch screen without using the Crosh shell?

A: Currently, the only known way to disable the touch screen on a Chromebook is through the Crosh shell. There is no option to do so in the device’s settings menu.

Q: Is it safe to use the Crosh shell to disable the touch screen?

A: Yes, it’s safe to use the Crosh shell for this purpose. Just ensure you’re typing the commands correctly to avoid any unintended changes to your system.

Q: Can I permanently disable the touch screen on my Chromebook?

A: Disabling the touch screen through the Crosh shell is not permanent. The touch screen will be re-enabled when you restart your Chromebook. Currently, there is no known way to permanently disable the touch screen.

Q: Can this process harm my Chromebook?

A: As long as you follow the instructions carefully and enter the correct commands, this process should not harm your Chromebook. However, always proceed with caution when modifying system settings.

Q: Will disabling the touch screen improve my Chromebook’s battery life?

A: Disabling the touch screen might slightly improve battery life, as the touch screen uses power to detect and process touch inputs. However, the overall impact on battery life is likely to be minimal.

Q: Can I disable the touch screen on any model of Chromebook?

A: The method described in the blog post should work on most Chromebook models. However, the exact command may vary depending on the type of touch screen your device uses. Always check the manufacturer’s documentation for model-specific instructions.