How to Turn Off Generative AI in Google

Generative AI has become a significant player in the tech industry, especially with companies like Google integrating AI-driven features into their products. These AI algorithms are designed to produce content that aligns with users’ queries and interests. While these capabilities can be incredibly beneficial, some users may prefer not to utilize generative AI for various reasons, such as privacy concerns, a desire for non-AI-generated content, or simply to avoid potential bias in AI responses.

Note: As of my last update in early 2023, Google had not announced any specific “Generative AI” feature within its search engine or other core products that users could turn on or off. Google does use AI across many of its services, but this is typically deeply integrated and not something that users have direct control over. Given this, I’ll provide some general advice on limiting AI interactions within Google’s ecosystem and how to seek information that is less likely to have been produced by AI.

Manage Your Google Account Settings

1. Limit Personalization

Google’s AI uses data from your activity to personalize experiences across Google services. To reduce this:

  • Go to Google Account Settings.
  • Select Data & personalization.
  • Under “Activity controls,” pause “Web & App Activity,” “Location History,” and “YouTube History.”

2. Ad Settings

Google also uses AI to serve personalized ads.

  • Navigate to Ad Settings.
  • Toggle off ad personalization. This will prevent Google’s AI from using your data to tailor ads.
  • Adjust Search Settings

While you might not be able to turn off AI entirely within Google Search, you can adjust settings to have more control over your experience.

  • Access Search Settings via the gear icon on a Google search results page.
  • Adjust SafeSearch filters and turn off private results to minimize AI’s role in curating what you see based on your perceived preferences.

Use Incognito Mode or Sign Out

Using Google services while signed out or in incognito mode in Google Chrome can limit the amount of data AI has to personalize your experience. Remember, however, that some background AI processes will still be active.

Limit Google Assistant Interaction

If you want to minimize interaction with Google’s AI voice assistant:

  • On your mobile device or Google Home, go to Assistant Settings.
  • Under “Assistant devices,” select your device.
  • Here you can turn off Google Assistant completely, or adjust settings to limit its reach and functionality.
  • Choose Non-AI-Generated Content
  • When looking for information, try to identify sources that are less likely to be generated by AI.
  • Look for articles and content that have a clear author and publication date.
  • Utilize academic databases or journals for research to ensure the information has been peer-reviewed and not AI-generated.

Use Alternative Services

Consider using other search engines, email providers, or web browsers that advertise minimal AI involvement or allow greater user control over AI features.

  • DuckDuckGo: A search engine known for its privacy-focused features.
  • Firefox: An open-source web browser that offers customization in terms of privacy and data collection.
  • Be Critical of AI-Generated Content

Hone your skills at identifying AI-generated content by paying attention to:

  • Writing style: AI-generated text may lack the nuances or depth that human writers offer.
  • Source credibility: Verify information across multiple reputable sources.

Educate Yourself About AI

Understanding AI can help you better navigate services that use it.

  • Read about how AI works.
  • Stay updated on AI advancements and privacy concerns.
  • Learn to spot signs that content or interactions may be AI-generated.

Browser Extensions and Tools

Some browser extensions and software can alert you when AI-generated content is detected. Keep an eye out for these tools as they become more sophisticated and widely available.

Reach out to Support

If you’re having specific issues or want to advocate for more control over AI features:

  • Contact Google support to express your concerns.
  • Participate in community forums or feedback channels to request clearer options for managing AI integration within Google services.


Turning off generative AI within Google’s ecosystem isn’t a straightforward process, as AI functionalities are entwined deeply with most of their services. The tips provided aim to mitigate AI’s influence over your digital interactions with Google, but it’s essential to recognize that AI is an integral part of how modern tech companies operate. Balancing convenience and personalization with privacy and manual control is becoming increasingly complex.

Striving for a nuanced approach where you retain as much control as possible over your data and how AI influences your online experience is key. By adjusting settings, opting for privacy-focused alternatives, and staying informed about how AI impacts our online world, you can take constructive steps toward a more AI-aware usage of Google services. Although you may not be able to completely “turn off” generative AI, empowering yourself through education and critical usage can create a more transparent and comfortable digital environment.

FAQs About How to Turn Off Generative AI in Google

Q: What is Generative AI in Google?

A: Generative AI in Google refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create content or predictions based on user data. It’s used in various Google services, like autocomplete in search or Gmail’s Smart Compose feature.

Q: Why would I want to turn off Generative AI?

A: Some users may wish to turn off Generative AI for privacy concerns, as these features often rely on analyzing user data. Others might find certain AI-generated suggestions or predictions unhelpful or distracting.

Q: How do I turn off Google’s Autocomplete feature?

A: You can turn off Google’s Autocomplete feature by going to your Google Account settings, selecting ‘Search settings’, and then deselecting the ‘Autocomplete with trending searches’ option.

Q: Can I disable Smart Compose in Gmail?

A: Yes, you can disable Smart Compose in Gmail. In the Gmail settings, under the ‘General’ tab, you’ll find an option to turn off Smart Compose.

Q: Will turning off Generative AI affect my user experience?

A: Turning off Generative AI might change your experience with Google services. For instance, without autocomplete or predictive text, you might need to type out full queries or sentences. However, it won’t prevent you from using any Google services.

Q: Can I turn off Generative AI on my Google Assistant?

A: You can limit the extent to which Google Assistant uses Generative AI by adjusting your personal results settings. However, many of Google Assistant’s features rely on AI, so completely disabling it might not be possible.

Q: Does turning off Generative AI improve my privacy?

A: While turning off Generative AI can limit the amount of data Google uses to personalize your experience, it won’t entirely prevent Google from collecting or analyzing your data. For more comprehensive privacy controls, check your Google Account’s privacy settings.

Q: Can I turn off Generative AI on a specific device?

A: Yes, most Generative AI settings can be adjusted on a per-device basis. The steps to do this will vary depending on the device and the specific feature you want to disable.

Q: Can I temporarily turn off Generative AI?

A: Yes, you can turn off Generative AI features whenever you want, and turn them back on just as easily. Your preferences should be saved until you decide to change them again.

Q: Where can I learn more about how Google uses AI?

A: You can learn more about Google’s use of AI on their AI blog or by visiting their ‘AI and Machine Learning’ product page. These resources offer an in-depth look at Google’s AI technology and its applications.