How to Sell Coloring Books on Amazon

In recent years, coloring books have witnessed a resurgence not only as children’s entertainment but also as a form of relaxation and creativity for adults. Whether they are intricate stress-relief patterns or educational tools, coloring books make up a notable niche in the marketplace. Selling coloring books on Amazon can be a lucrative venture if you understand the platform’s ecosystem, how to navigate its complexities, and best position your product to potential customers. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting started with selling coloring books on Amazon.

Understanding Amazon’s Marketplace

Amazon is one of the largest online retailers and offers various ways to sell products, such as a traditional third-party seller or through Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. Before anything else, you will need to decide which method suits you best:

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM): You handle all storage, packaging, and shipping of your coloring books.
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Amazon takes care of storage, packaging, and shipping, but you pay fees for these services.

Setting Up Your Seller Account

To start, you’ll need an Amazon Seller account. Visit Amazon Seller Central and choose between an individual or professional account based on your expected sales volume and business plan. Professional accounts come with a monthly fee but offer more selling tools and the option to sell in restricted categories.

Researching Your Niche

Understanding what kinds of coloring books are popular and who your audience is crucial. Conduct market research using tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout or simply study the best-selling lists on Amazon to determine trends. Are adult coloring books more popular, or is there a rising trend in educational coloring books for children?

Creating Your Coloring Book

Once you’ve identified your niche, it’s time to create your coloring book. If you’re an artist, this could mean drawing your own designs. Otherwise, you can hire freelance artists on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to create illustrations based on your concepts.

Remember to consider book size, page quality, and whether your book will be print-on-demand or pre-printed in bulk. Print-on-demand services like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) let you skip the upfront costs of bulk printing and directly integrate with the Amazon marketplace.

Setting Up Product Listings

Your product listing is critical as it’s how customers will find and decide whether to buy your coloring book. Here are key components when setting up your Amazon listing:

  • Product Title: Make it descriptive and keyword-rich but clear and concise.
  • Images: Your cover image is everything, so make it eye-catching and professional. Adding interior pages can also reassure buyers of the quality.
  • Bullet Points and Description: Highlight the unique aspects of your coloring book. Mention the quality of paper, the style of the drawings, the theme, and any other selling points.
  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords to optimize your listing for Amazon’s search engine. This improves visibility and discoverability.
  • Category: Choose the most relevant category and subcategory for your coloring book. This helps the right customers find your product.
  • ISBN: If you are printing your books independently, you’ll need to acquire an ISBN for your coloring book.

Pricing Strategy

Competitive pricing is key. Check what similar coloring books are priced at and set your pricing accordingly, keeping in mind production costs, Amazon fees, and desired profit margins. Promotions or discounts can help gain initial traction.

Marketing Your Coloring Book

Now that your product is live on Amazon, you need to drive traffic to your listing:

  • Amazon Advertising: Consider using Amazon PPC campaigns to get your coloring book in front of more eyes.
  • External Marketing: Utilize social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and other forms of external marketing to direct traffic to your Amazon listing.
  • Reviews: Positive reviews are gold in e-commerce. Encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback.
  • Amazon Promotions: Participate in Amazon deals and promotions to increase visibility.

Inventory Management

Whether you’re using FBA or handling fulfillment yourself, proper inventory management means you’re never missing out on sales due to stockouts nor tying up too much capital in unsold books.

Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service can distinguish your brand. Quick and helpful responses to customer inquiries and dealing efficiently with any issues can result in higher customer satisfaction and more positive reviews.

Staying Compliant

Follow Amazon’s policies closely to avoid listing takedowns or account suspension. This includes adhering to content guidelines, not trying to manipulate reviews, and ensuring you’re not infringing on any intellectual property rights.

Analyzing Performance

Use Amazon’s reports and analytics to track your sales and adjust your strategy accordingly. Look at metrics such as the conversion rate, return rate, and customer feedback.

Scaling Up

As your coloring book gains traction, consider expanding your portfolio, perhaps with sequels or additional volumes, or complementary products.


Selling coloring books on Amazon can be an exciting and profitable enterprise. By understanding your niche, creating high-quality content, optimizing your listings, and engaging with your customers effectively, you can build a successful online business.

Like any online endeavor, selling coloring books on Amazon requires dedication, research, and a commitment to providing value to customers. Pay attention to customer trends, pivot when necessary, and keep creativity at the forefront of your efforts. It may be a colorful venture, but the principles of sound business still apply. With diligence and smart marketing, your coloring books might just draw up significant profits.