How to Reset Your AC Unit

As the seasons change and temperatures begin to rise, a fully functional air conditioning (AC) unit becomes essential for comfort and well-being. But what do you do if your AC unit suddenly stops working properly? Often, the solution can be as simple as performing a reset. This article will take you through the steps needed to reset your AC unit safely and effectively.

Understanding the Need for a Reset

Your AC unit may require a reset for several reasons. It could be due to a power surge, an electrical malfunction, or even just a system glitch after a power outage. Resetting your AC unit will often clear any error codes and allow the system to start fresh, much like rebooting a computer.

Safety Precautions Before You Begin

Before attempting to reset your AC unit, safety must be your top priority:

  • Power Down: Ensure the AC unit is turned off before you start. If possible, use the thermostat or main control panel to shut it down.
  • Unplug the Unit: For additional safety, unplug the unit from the wall socket or turn off the circuit breaker connected to your AC system.
  • Wait Period: Give your system a few minutes to discharge any residual power after turning it off.

Supplies You Might Need

Most AC units only require a simple button push to reset, but in some cases, you might need:

  • A screwdriver (if you need to remove an access panel)
  • The user manual for your specific AC unit
  • A flashlight (if working in a dimly lit area)

Step 1: Locating the Reset Button

Many modern AC units have a dedicated reset button, usually found on the control panel or near the outdoor compressor unit. Refer to your AC unit’s user manual to find the exact location of the reset button.

Step 2: Using the Reset Button

Once you locate the reset button:

  • Press and hold the reset button for three to five seconds.
  • Release the button, and wait a moment to see if the unit starts back up.

Step 3: When There’s No Reset Button

If your unit doesn’t have a reset button, resetting the system may involve simply unplugging the unit for a set amount of time:

  • Unplug the unit from its power source or switch off the circuit breaker.
  • Leave the unit unplugged for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Plug the unit back in or switch the circuit breaker back on.

Step 4: Checking the Thermostat

Sometimes the issue lies with the thermostat rather than the AC unit:

  • Ensure that the thermostat is set to “cool” and not “off” or “heat”.
  • Check that the temperature setting is lower than the current room temperature.
  • Replace the batteries if your thermostat is not hard-wired into your home’s electrical system.

Step 5: Inspecting the Circuit Breaker

If your AC unit isn’t turning on, it may have tripped the circuit breaker:

  • Locate your home’s main electrical panel.
  • Look for the breaker that controls your AC unit. It should be labeled.
  • If the breaker is tripped (in the middle position or off), flip it all the way off and then back on.

Step 6: Giving It Time to Restart

After resetting, give your AC unit time to restart. It may take several minutes for the system to begin running again. Watch for error codes that may signal a need for professional attention.

Step 7: When to Call a Professional

If your AC unit still isn’t working correctly after a reset, it may indicate a larger issue. Common signs that you need professional help include:

  • Strange noises during operation
  • Warm air blowing when the system is set to cool
  • Persistent error codes after a reset
  • Ice forming on the AC unit

Additional Tips for Maintaining Your AC Unit

Proper maintenance can reduce the need for resets and service calls:

  • Regularly clean or replace your AC filters, as dirty filters can cause system malfunctions.
  • Keep the area around your outdoor compressor unit clear of debris and plants to ensure proper airflow.
  • Schedule an annual inspection with a certified HVAC technician to prevent future issues.


Resetting your AC unit is often a quick and easy process that can resolve minor issues and restore your system to working order. By following these steps and observing necessary precautions, you can avoid unnecessary stress and discomfort during hot weather. Remember that regular maintenance is key to preventing problems and ensuring that your AC unit functions efficiently throughout the year.

However, if the problem persists after a reset, it’s crucial to consult with a trained HVAC professional. Attempting to repair complex issues without proper knowledge can lead to accidents or further damage to your system. Investing in routine check-ups can ultimately save you time and money, ensuring a cool and comfortable environment in your home.