How to Report a Shop on Etsy

Etsy is a global online marketplace known for its unique selection of handmade items, vintage goods, and craft supplies. It’s a platform that thrives on the creativity and integrity of its sellers. However, there may be instances where you come across a shop that violates Etsy’s policies. In such cases, it’s important to know how to report a shop on Etsy. This article will walk you through the process.

Why Might You Need to Report a Shop?

There are several reasons why you might need to report a shop on Etsy:

  1. The shop is selling prohibited items: Etsy’s policies clearly list items that are not allowed to be sold on the platform, such as alcohol, drugs, and certain animal products.
  2. The shop is infringing on your intellectual property rights: If a shop is selling products that copy your work or use your trademarked brand name without permission, this is a violation of Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy.
  3. The shop exhibits fraudulent behavior: This could include selling counterfeit items, misrepresenting products, or scamming buyers.

Before reporting a shop, it’s important to familiarize yourself with Etsy’s policies to ensure that the shop in question is indeed violating them.

How to Report a Shop on Etsy

Follow these steps to report a shop on Etsy:

  1. Navigate to the shop homepage that you want to report.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the ‘Report this shop to Etsy’ link, located at the bottom right of the page.
  4. You’ll be redirected to a form where you can provide details about the issue.
  5. Select the reason for reporting from the dropdown menu. Options include “Prohibited items”, “Intellectual property infringement”, and “Other policy violation”.
  6. Provide additional details in the text box. Be as specific as possible, citing relevant Etsy policies if you can.
  7. Click ‘Submit’.

After submitting the report, Etsy’s Trust and Safety team will review it. They may reach out to you for additional information if needed. Please note that due to privacy considerations, Etsy may not be able to share the outcome of their investigation with you.

What Happens After Reporting a Shop?

After you submit a report, Etsy’s Trust and Safety team will conduct an investigation. Depending on the results of the investigation, Etsy may take various actions, including removing specific listings, suspending the seller’s selling privileges, or closing the shop entirely.

It’s important to note that while Etsy takes all reports seriously, they also strive to ensure fairness. If a shop is reported but found not to be in violation of Etsy’s policies, no action will be taken against the shop.


Etsy is committed to maintaining a safe, trustworthy marketplace. As a user, you play a crucial role in upholding this commitment. By reporting shops that violate Etsy’s policies, you help protect other users and the integrity of the platform. It’s a simple process, but one that can make a significant difference in the Etsy community. Remember, though, to always familiarize yourself with Etsy’s policies before submitting a report to ensure the validity of your claim.