How to Report a Seller on Etsy

Etsy is a thriving marketplace for handmade, vintage, and craft items. However, like any online platform, there may be occasions when you encounter issues with a seller. If you’re unsure how to report a seller on Etsy, this article will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Understanding When to Report a Seller

Before reporting a seller, it’s crucial to understand what scenarios warrant such action. Etsy encourages open communication between buyers and sellers to resolve minor issues. However, if you’ve encountered an unresponsive seller, received an item that doesn’t match its description, or suspect fraudulent activity, it may be time to report the seller.

Step 1: Try to Resolve the Issue with the Seller

Your first step should always be to contact the seller directly. Most sellers value their reputation and customer satisfaction, so they may be willing to rectify the issue promptly. You can message the seller from your Etsy account.

Step 2: Open a Case with Etsy

If the seller fails to respond or resolve the issue, your next step should be to open a case with Etsy. This option is available for items not received or not as described. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Etsy’s website and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on ‘You’ at the top right of the page, then select ‘Purchases and Reviews.’
  3. Scroll to find the order you want to report, then click ‘Help with Order.’
  4. Click ‘Open a Case.’

Remember to include as much detail as possible when describing your issue, including any attempts you’ve made to contact the seller.

Step 3: Report the Seller to Etsy

If opening a case doesn’t resolve your issue, or if you suspect the seller is violating Etsy’s policies, you can report the seller directly. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the seller’s shop page.
  2. Scroll down and click on ‘Report this shop to Etsy’ at the bottom right.
  3. Select a reason for reporting from the dropdown menu, then provide additional details in the text box.
  4. Click ‘Submit.’

Etsy reviews all reports and takes appropriate action based on their policies and terms of use.

Step 4: Contact Etsy Support

If you’ve tried the above steps without resolution, your final recourse is to contact Etsy Support. You can do this through the Etsy Help Center. Provide all relevant information about your issue, and they’ll guide you through the next steps.


While it’s unfortunate to encounter issues with a seller on Etsy, remember that these instances are the exception, not the norm. Etsy is committed to maintaining a safe and trustworthy marketplace. By understanding how to report a seller, you’re helping to uphold these standards and protect other buyers.

Remember, open communication and patience often resolve most issues. However, when that fails, don’t hesitate to use Etsy’s robust support system. Happy shopping!