How to Repair a Garage Door Spring

Garage door springs play a vital role in the smooth operation of lifting and lowering your garage door. With time, these springs may weaken or break, resulting in a malfunctioning garage door that fails to open or close correctly. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to effectively repair your garage door spring.

Understanding Garage Door Spring Damage

Garage door springs are continually subjected to tension, and this constant stress can cause them to deteriorate over time. As a result, broken springs have become a frequent problem associated with garage doors, often requiring replacement rather than repair.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before starting, gather all the necessary tools and materials:

  • Replacement garage door spring(s)
  • Winding bars
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Locking pliers
  • Safety glasses
  • Ladder

Important Note: Please be aware that garage door springs are under high tension. Mishandling them can lead to severe injuries. If you do not feel confident in conducting this repair on your own, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of a professional. Your safety should always be the top priority.

Steps to Repair a Garage Door Spring

1. Secure the Door

To begin, make sure to close the garage door and disconnect the automatic opener, if applicable. Next, utilize either locking pliers or a c-clamp to securely fasten the door, ensuring it remains stationary as you proceed with your work.

2. Unwind the Old Spring

To ensure your safety, it is important to position your ladder to the side of the spring, avoiding direct alignment. Next, insert a winding bar into the bottom hole of the winding cone, which is connected to the bracket. Use an adjustable wrench to carefully loosen the set screws on the winding cone, while securely holding the bar.

To safely and effectively unwind the spring, begin by slowly rotating the winding bar. As you do this, utilize a second winding bar to carefully maintain tension. Then, reposition the first bar to the next hole. By following this method, you can ensure a smooth and controlled process.

3. Remove the Springs

Once the spring is completely unwound, proceed to remove the bolts and nuts that secure the stationary spring cones. These spring cones are attached to the center bracket. With caution, carefully slide the springs off the bar to complete the process.

4. Install the New Springs

To complete the task, start by sliding the new springs onto the bar. Make sure they are correctly oriented with the winding cone facing away from the center bracket. Once that is done, securely fasten the stationary cones to the center bracket.

5. Wind the Springs

To begin, insert a winding bar into the bottom hole of the winding cone. Using an adjustable wrench, tighten the set screws until snug against the shaft. Proceed by winding the spring, lifting up on the winding bar. For added tension control, use a second winding bar while repositioning the first bar to the next hole up.

Continue repeating this process until the spring is fully wound. A properly wound spring will effortlessly elevate the door and securely hold it in position even when it is partially open.

6. Test the Door

After replacing and winding both springs, safely remove the clamps or pliers securing the door, and proceed to test its balance and movement. If the door opens and closes smoothly, and remains in position when partially open, it indicates that the springs have been properly installed.

Tips for Repairing a Garage Door Spring

Here are some additional tips to ensure a successful repair:

  • Always Replace Both Springs: If your garage door uses two springs and one breaks, it’s best to replace both. The second spring is likely close to failing as well.
  • Choose the Right Springs: Garage door springs come in different sizes and types. Make sure to choose replacements that match your existing springs.
  • Stay Safe: Always wear safety glasses when working on garage doors and never stand directly in front of the spring when unwinding or winding it.


Repairing a garage door spring is often a challenging and potentially perilous do-it-yourself (DIY) undertaking. However, by ensuring you have the appropriate tools and taking necessary precautions, you can safely and effectively carry out the repair. It is important to note that if you are uncomfortable with performing this repair on your own, it is always advisable to seek the services of a professional. Keep in mind that this guide offers general information and for advice tailored to your specific circumstances, consulting with a professional is always recommended.