How to Delete Your Reddit Account

For a plethora of reasons, you may decide to delete your Reddit account. Perhaps you’re spending too much time on the site, or you’re concerned about privacy, or maybe you simply want to start fresh with a new account. Whatever your reasons, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of deleting your Reddit account.

Understanding Reddit and Its Accounts

Before we delve into the steps to delete your account, it’s crucial to understand the implications. Reddit is a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members can submit content, such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.

When you delete your Reddit account, it’s a permanent action. You won’t be able to recover your account or any content you’ve posted once you’ve deleted it. Your username will not be available for future use. All your posts and comments will remain on Reddit but will be attributed to “[deleted]”.

Steps to Delete Your Reddit Account

Whether you’re using the mobile app or a desktop browser, follow these steps to delete your Reddit account:

On Desktop:

  • Go to Reddit: Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Reddit website.
  • Sign in to your account: If you’re not already signed in, click on the “Log In” button and enter your Reddit username and password.
  • Access User Settings: Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and select “User Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  • Navigate to the Account Tab: In the User Settings, navigate to the “Account” tab.
  • Scroll Down to Deactivate Account: Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the “Deactivate Account” section.
  • Enter Username and Password: You’ll need to confirm your decision by entering your username and password.
  • Check the acknowledgment box: Check the box that acknowledges that deactivated accounts are not recoverable.
  • Deactivate Account: Click on the red “Deactivate” button to delete your account.

On Mobile:

  • Open the Reddit app: Tap on the Reddit app on your mobile device.
  • Sign in to your account: If you’re not already signed in, tap on the “Sign In” button and enter your Reddit username and password.
  • Access Settings: Tap on your profile picture in the upper right corner to open the profile menu. Select “Settings” from this menu.
  • Scroll Down to Support: In the Settings menu, scroll down to the “Support” section.
  • Tap Delete Account: In the Support section, tap on “Delete Account.”
  • Confirm Deletion: You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to delete your account. Remember, this action is irreversible.

What Happens After You Delete Your Reddit Account

After you delete your Reddit account, several things happen:

  • Username: Your username becomes unavailable for future use.
  • Posts and Comments: All your posts and comments remain on Reddit. However, instead of your username, they will be attributed to “[deleted].”
  • Private Messages: Any private messages you have sent remain, but they will be attributed to “[deleted].”


In conclusion, deleting your Reddit account is a simple process that can be done via the Reddit website or mobile app. Remember, deletion is permanent and cannot be undone, so make sure you’re certain before proceeding. Once you’ve deleted your account, your username becomes unavailable, and all your posts, comments, and messages will be attributed to “[deleted].”