How to Block People on TikTok

TikTok is a widely used social media platform that enables users to create, share, and view short video clips. Apart from its core functionality, TikTok also offers various features to help users manage their interactions with others. In situations where you need to restrict interactions with a specific user, blocking them proves to be an effective solution. This comprehensive guide will provide you with detailed instructions on how to effectively block people on TikTok.

Understanding Blocking on TikTok

By blocking a user on TikTok, you can prevent them from interacting with your content. This effective action restricts their ability to view your videos, comment on your posts, or send you messages. Blocking proves to be a powerful tool for handling situations involving harassment, spam, or any unwanted interaction.

Steps to Block Someone on TikTok

1. Open TikTok

To get started, open the TikTok app on your mobile device. If you haven’t already, sign in by entering your username and password.

2. Find the User

You need to navigate to the profile of the user you want to block. You can do this by tapping on their username if you see it in your notifications or comments. Alternatively, you can use the search function at the bottom of the screen to look up their username.

3. Access the User’s Profile

After locating the user, simply tap on their profile picture to effortlessly access and explore their complete profile.

4. Open Profile Options

To access additional options on the user’s profile page, locate the three dots positioned in the upper right corner. Simply tap on these dots to unveil an expanded menu offering a wider range of choices.

5. Select ‘Block’

To block the user and prevent them from viewing your content or interacting with you, follow these steps: In the menu that appears, simply tap on the ‘Block’ option.

6. Confirm Your Decision

Once you tap on the ‘Block’ option, a popup will appear prompting you to confirm your decision. If you are certain about blocking the user, simply tap on ‘Confirm’.

Tips for Blocking People on TikTok

Here are some additional tips to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Unblocking Users: If you decide to unblock a user in the future, you can do so by navigating back to their profile and selecting ‘Unblock’ from the options menu.
  • Reporting Users: If a user is harassing you or violating TikTok’s community guidelines, consider reporting them in addition to blocking. You can do this by selecting ‘Report’ instead of ‘Block’ in the options menu.
  • Privacy Settings: Remember that TikTok also has privacy settings that allow you to control who can view your content, send you messages, and more. If you’re dealing with unwanted interactions, adjusting these settings may help.


Blocking people on TikTok is a straightforward process that can greatly assist you in managing your interactions and creating a more enjoyable social media experience. Whether you’re dealing with spam, harassment, or simply want to limit who can interact with your content, this comprehensive guide is here to help you achieve your goal. It is important to note that this guide provides general information, and for advice specifically tailored to your individual circumstances, it is always advisable to consult with a tech professional.