How to Avoid Denture Face

Denture face, also known as facial collapse, is a common concern for those who wear dentures. It refers to the change in facial appearance that can occur over time due to bone loss in the jaw. The lower part of the face may appear shrunken or saggy, causing a prematurely aged look. However, with proper care and precautions, denture face can be minimized or even avoided. This article provides strategies to help you maintain a youthful, natural appearance.

Understanding Denture Face

When teeth are lost, the jawbone that once supported them begins to resorb, or shrink away, because it’s no longer stimulated by normal chewing forces. Over time, this process can lead to a significant reduction in the height of the jawbone, altering the shape and structure of the lower face.

Preventing Denture Face

1. Immediate Denture Care

Proper care of your dentures from the very beginning can significantly reduce the risk of denture face. Here’s what you should do:

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Regularly clean your dentures to prevent infections that could further damage your gums and jawbone. Also, maintain good oral hygiene to keep the remaining teeth (if any) healthy.
  • Regular Adjustments: Over time, your gums and jawbone will change shape, making your dentures fit less snugly. Regular adjustments by your dentist can ensure they continue to fit well and provide the necessary support to your facial structure.

2. Regular Dental Checkups

Even if you have full dentures, regular dental check-ups are crucial. Your dentist can monitor the health of your gums and the condition of your dentures, making adjustments as necessary. They can also spot and address any signs of infection or other issues that could accelerate bone loss.

3. Consider Implant-Supported Dentures

Dental implants provide stimulation to the jawbone, similar to natural teeth, helping to prevent bone loss. Implant-supported dentures are more stable and comfortable than traditional dentures, and they can significantly reduce the risk of denture face. Discuss this option with your dentist to determine if it’s right for you.

4. Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can also contribute to preventing denture face. Good nutrition supports overall health, including oral health, while regular exercise improves blood circulation, promoting healthier gums and slowing bone loss.

Remedies for Denture Face

If you’re already experiencing denture face, there are solutions available:

  • New Dentures: If your current dentures are old or ill-fitting, getting a new set that fits properly can help improve your facial appearance.
  • Facial Exercises: Certain facial exercises can strengthen your facial muscles, providing better support to your skin and improving the appearance of denture face.
  • Dental Implants: As mentioned before, dental implants can stimulate the jawbone and prevent further bone loss. They can also provide a more secure and natural-looking replacement for missing teeth, helping to restore your facial structure.


While denture face is a common concern, it can be minimized or even avoided with proper care and precautions. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene, and considering options like implant-supported dentures can all contribute to maintaining a natural, youthful facial appearance. If you’re already experiencing changes in your facial structure due to dentures, don’t despair. With today’s advancements in dental technology, there are effective solutions to help restore your face’s natural shape and contours. Always consult with your dentist or a prosthodontist to explore the best options for your situation.